Happy Independence Day! 

Hi Whitney,

Since I work mostly with singles, let's celebrate our personal independence!As the Love Coach, I love LOVE! But I still believe we're better off single than in an unhealthy relationship. So, if you're single and wishing you had a partner, I encourage you to celebrate the freedom of your singleness today! The relationship of your dreams can wait for another day. 


What's Happening? 

🌸 MEWS Empowerment Circle 🌸 

We usually meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month, but this month, we'll meet on July 11th and 18th.

What is MEWS? The Mindful, Embodied Women's Support and Empowerment Circle (so yeah, Just MEWS for short) is an opportunity to connect with women in a safe, supportive, encouraging space to release what's not serving you and align your mind, body, and spirit with your goals and aspirations. The mindfulness or embodiment practice that will leave you vibing high! 

To learn more about MEWS check out this page.  

Upcoming Events

(Click the image to view details & register on Eventbrite.) 

Welcome to the first session of the Summer Love Series: Feminine EmbodimentIn this insightful webinar, we'll explore how practicing feminine embodiment can help you gracefully navigate the exhilarating highs and challenging lows that life and love bring. Beginners welcome! 

(Click the image to view details & register on Eventbrite.) 

In the second session of the Summer Love Series: Acing Online Dating, learn how to navigate the world of online dating with confidence and ease. Get more IRL dates from dating apps, select the right app, write the perfect profile, choose the right photos, select & filter through matches intentionally, communicate effectively & playfully, and stand out from the crowd to attract the kind of matches you desire. Men and women are welcome! 

Interested in working with me?

Book a coaching session

Schedule a complimentary Discovery Call

"Dating Done Right" 12-week group coaching program

Book a Tarot reading

With love,


Whitney Kobrin
Dating & Relationship Expert