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Product Deep, Embodied Self-Love Digital Course

Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship in your life!

If you're looking to improve your relationships, you must start with your relationship with yourself. Self-care is important, but it's only part of the picture. Bubble baths and manicures are not enough if you're still judging, criticizing, and berating yourself, even on occasion.

This course will help you become aware of your unconscious patterns, learn actionable skills to show yourself love and compassion and heal your wounded self along the way.

More than just information, this course helps you step into a new way of being, holistically integrating your whole self: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. Feminine embodiment practices your self-love goes from something you know you need to do to something you feel deeply throughout your whole being. That's what Deep, Embodied Self-Love means. 

Stop sabotaging yourself, and start loving and supporting yourself to overcome challenges and be successful in your career, relationships, and life! 

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350.00 USD
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