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Product "Dating Done Right" 12-Week Transformational Program

Ready to revolutionize your dating experience and attract the love you deserve? 

"Dating Done Right" is a 12-week transformative journey to help you successfully navigate modern dating and build a healthy, lasting relationship.

What's the program about? 

  1. Know and Love Yourself: Uncover the essence of who you are and cultivate self-love, empowering you to confidently navigate the dating world.
  2. Polarity Passion Unleashed: Learn the art of attraction and magnetism, attracting the right partner authentically and naturally.
  3. Removing Your Blocks to Love: Navigate a compassionate path to release past wounds, patterns, and unconscious barriers to love.
  4. Learn the RIGHT Dating Skills: Master essential dating and relationship skills, including effective communication and setting healthy boundaries, how to effectively use dating apps, and even how to meet great people to date without using online dating.
  5. The Dating Done Right Community: Join a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Share successes, encourage each other, get support, ask questions, and share resources. The community will be here to support you long after your program is completed.  

Join today, and I am excited to welcome you to the community! 

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1440.00 USD